Monday, August 30, 2010

Run away as fast as you can!

I am not normally the type of person to reply to blogs and comment sections and things, but I feel they have helped my mother to avoid a disaster at Lase Med, so I would like to add my 2 cents in the hopes that someone else will avoid it as well.

I will spare you all the background on my mom, but let me just say that she is VERY selective in what she has chosen to do as far as her cancer. I don't think anything she has done thus far has worsened her cancer in any way; there are things that she has done that I don't believe have helped, but they have not worsened it either. Her body has figured out to make cancer and noone can find the off-switch, THAT is the problem. If we could find the trigger or the off-switch, then that would be the real cure for cancer.

Finding the Lase Med website online, my mother contacted Carpenter. According to my mother, Carpenter had ACCEPTED my mother as a patient without ever seeing her in person and our mom was making plans to come to Lase Med.. My sisters and I continued to research this place and came across some very unsettling blogs and comments about Carpenter and Lase Med..

Finding out that Carpenter only held a degree in Physics, we were very worried. There are reasons why people attend medical school and get medical degrees - they need to know the inner workings of the human body, what complications may arise, how to combat those complications, and so much more. It terrified me to read over and over and over, that once the Lase Med.. treatment was done, Carpenter discouraged and forbade 2nd opinions and follow-up visits with anyone other than herself even when these people knew something horrible was going on.

We sisters took it upon ourselves to start making contacts. One sister contacted Michelle Wolven, another continued pouring through the internet, and I drew the unlucky straw of contacting Carpenter. From reading these blogs and comments, I had heard that Carpenter could be easily angered, which resorted to her belittling, name calling, and bullying anyone who questioned anything she was doing or planned to do. I later experienced that first hand.

I sent her an e-mail. I NEVER attacked her, never questioned the effectiveness of Lase Med, never even questioned her NOT having a medical degree. I simply asked a question as to HOW did she plan to help my mother. I cited refereneces to things on her own website that I needed answers for. Was I emotional? Sure. Was I skeptical? Yes, and I was very upfront and clear about both. After all, this is my mother's life we are talking about. I want to know details. I needed answers and I wanted to make sure my mom was not going to sink money down a hole that would offer no results or end up worsening her condition or even killing her in the end.

Sadly, her short, high school, bullying, unprofessional response offered no details and no answers to my questions. What it did offer was the reassurance that my sisters and I were searching for...this lady had no clue what she was doing and we would NEVER send our mother to someone like that.

I replied to her e-mail. There are many, many things I would have liked to have said, but my response was kind (I am a Christian. I know I am not perfect, but I must try to be a good witness in all things, even those that are only seen by me, her, and God). I did apologize if I had offended her in any way as this was not my intention. My intention was to seek answers for my questions. I was also very clear to her that she behaved very unprofessionally not only to me, but in her comments about my mother. Her only response to me was a link to one of her medical conspiracy shows, the time the show aired, and to forward my mother and someone named Wendy all the private e-mails she and I had exchanged.

I did not listen to her show right away. My husband had listened to a few segments previously and told me it would be a waste of my time. I did listen to that show later on. It was a waste of my time, but it also concreted in the fact that my mother had indeed made the right decision NOT to go to Carpenter and Lase Med.. The entire show was very Saturday Night Livish. It would have been funny except for the fact that my heart was saddened and broken for the people who had and would in the future seek out Carpenter's help not knowing what lay in store ahead for them. I remember thinking out loud to myself on several occasions "People actually go to this woman to treat them?!"

At the very end of that show, she had an awards segment of sorts and believe it or not, I was featured. Not only did she lie and say she did NOT accept my mother as a patient, she said I didn't like them, she said that I attacked her, the scientists, and what they were trying to do at Lase Med.. She also went on the blame my mother's worsening condition on the alternative treatments she had received in the past. I know for a FACT that the alternative treatments are the only things keeping her alive at this point. Traditional med doctors are amazed at how well she is doing given her advenced case. Many of them do not even question her anymore as to why she does alternative because they see the difference it is making in helping her deal with the pain, her energy levels, etc...

On her show, Carpenter also said she 'put me back in my place' and then said I won the 'shut up my face award'...just when I thought she couldn't get any more unprofessional...If offering her a kinder response than what was offered to me is 'putting me in my place' in her eyes, then so be it. I accept the 'shut up my face' award with honor in hopes that others will not be put through the horrible things I have been reading about on all these blogs and comment sites.

Who knows, perhaps I'll be featured in more of her talk shows. One thing is for sure, I won't be wasting my time by listening to them again.

Thank you to all the people who have posted their comments on these sites and blogs. Thank you Michelle Wolven for being so kind to speak to my sister about everything. You all have helped to save our mother the pain and heartache from going to Lase Med and Carpenter.


Pauline (PROUD recipient of Ms. Carpenter's 'shut up my face award' Medical Conpiracy show, August 28th, 2010)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

You need to know the truth about Lase Med INC. May - by shutdownlasemedinc on YouTube

"This is my first youtube video sorry for moving around so much. It is my desire to let the public know that Lase Med Inc. run by Antonella Carpenter is not a safe place to seek alternative cancer treatment. I believe in alternatives but Ms. Carpenters laser is actually advancing cancer from being treatable prior to seeing her to being untreatable or stage 4 or 5 in about 6 months. Due to the death of my friend Cyndi Babecka who went there for treatment in July of 2008 I've made it my mission to shut her down. Cyndi is a college educated mother of 6 and her husband is a nuclear engineer . Ms. Carpenter merely told them what they wanted to hear, that she could kill cancer 100% of the time without invasive surgery, chemo or radiation. In my opinion she is preying off of desperate cancer victims and is accelerating their disease while giving them false hope and feeding them lies about being cancer free."

by shutdownlasemedinc on YouTube

View this video on YouTube

Lase Med Inc. - My truth behind THEIR LIES!!! by luvstar8807 on YouTube

"More of MISS CARPENTER / LASE MED INC. You need to think twice about this place in Broken Arrow, Ok. Why would you want to go to a clinic that bashes the public on their own web site and talk show. ??? Interesting huh??? So what do you have to hide Lase Med??"

by luvstar8807 on YouTube View this video on YouTube

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lase Med Inc - WARNING

I would like to share our awful experience with Antonella Carpenter and Lase Med Inc - I am hoping this would help others to avoid mistakes we have made.

What to expect from Antonella Carpenter:

Ms Carpenter will promise you a cancer free life after her treatments but only if you avoid all conventional treatments and doctors, regardless of what is going on with your health conditions. Why? Because she can kill cancer tumors with 100% success. But conventional doctors will destroy her results and kill you.

What actually happened:

My father was treated by Antonella Carpenter at LaseMed office in Little Rock, Arkansas in September, October and December of 2008. He died from melanoma in February 2009.

My father went to his oncologist after his second treatment at LaseMed (1st and 2nd treatments were five days each with double sessions on some of the days). He wanted a local doctor to watch over his conditions and because the tumors were growing and spreading - although Ms Carpenter kept on saying in her emails that based on the photographs my father was fine and healing.

But he was getting weaker and weaker. We found a new oncologist by referral. This doctor looked at the burns from LaseMed treatments and told my father that he had seen it before, but never had seen it worked, but if we wanted we could continue this treatment if we believed in it. He agreed to watch over and he also recommended interferon injections in the muscle to try to keep melanoma regional and under control. My father agreed.

I was out of town for couple of days, and when I came back I sent an email to Ms Carpenter to inform her about my father’s decision to do interferon injections to keep melanoma under control till our third trip to LaseMed facility to treat expanding spots.

She responded back with a claim that this oncologist did all this on purpose to ruin her results and now all the treated (burned) area was melanoma again. And she will have to treat it again, but ONLY if my father and I promise her that we will never go back to an oncologist again. I did explain her that he only did couple of injections and stopped it after she told him to stop, because he believed her.

So we went for our third treatment in December 08… I wish we never did. Not only because my father was not feeling well, and we had to drive 700 miles on snow and ice, but because of what happened there in Arkansas.

Out of five days Ms Carpenter treated him only three days. On Monday they rescheduled my father from his morning session to the afternoon because they had some kind of emergency and then Wendy called me around noon to tell me that the office is closed for today. They promised to do a double session to catch up.

On Friday, Wendy called me again to tell me that they had closed this office for today and forever and would be moving to Oklahoma because they had to fire their doctor today who was working for them. Their doctor was stealing or tried to steal their stain secrets. My mother was there with us. I still remember my mother’s tears and Antonella Carpenter yelling at her “I CAN FIX IT. I CAN FIX IT. JUST DON’T GO TO DOCTORS AND HE WILL BE FINE”…

My father passed away in February 2009 and I did send Ms Carpenter this email “My father has passed away last week. CAN YOU FIX THIS?”

Her response was about her not able to counter the bad results of chemo… and she supposedly told me so, but what chemo was she referring to? Based on her logic the two interferon muscle injections in November 08 (she kept on calling them chemo) killed my father in February 09.


Do you think Antonella Carpenter has a heart? I believe she has not.

Did it take Antonella Carpenter 25 years to get her basic education? I don’t know…

This should give you an idea who Antonella Carpenter is.

Why I am writing this post:

At the time of our research, there was no information about LaseMed online except their own advertisement and few articles from people who underwent LaseMed treatment recently.

I hope this will help people searching for it now.

I know Antonella Carpenter called me a liar and a coward on her radio show this Saturday 07/24/2010.

But why would somebody like Antonella Carpenter, who has a perfect method with 100% success for killing cancer tumors spend so much time, money and effort to run radio shows, websites and write comments on related blogs about people who share their negative experience with her and LaseMed?

What reasons Antonella Carpenter has to call every other person who is sharing his/her negative experience with LaseMed a liar and a coward on her radio shows?

Is she loosing new patients?


She is claiming she has been curing cancer patients for the past 10 years since 2000 - No new referrals? I wonder why...


Email me if you have questions or need more info:

Links: Anti LaseMed Inc web site

Youtube testimonials:
Local News: This page has comments and the full story by Lori Fullbright

Court cases between LaseMed and ex patients in AK: